問題解説・システム開発 : 内科医 米澤昌紘(れく)
A 65-year-old woman was diagnosed with stage IB righ t lung cancer. Sheunderwent rightlower lobectomy withlymph node dissection for the cancer. Shedeveloped a milky white pleural effusion of 860 mL, which was drained afterstarting meals on the first postoperative day.
Which pleural effusion test should be performed for a definitive diagnosis?
a. Protein
b. Bacteria
c. Triglyceride
d. Malignant cells
e. White blood cells
a. 蛋白質
b. 細菌
c. トリグリセリド 正解です
d. 悪性細胞
e. 白血球